Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Middle of the week musings.

Happy Hump Day!

I haven't done one of these for a long time, and figured it was time to get my butt in gear. I have many of middle of the week musings going on today!

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, it doesn't really matter.

My favorite chocolate are still Dove promises. You get both in a treat. Chocolate, dark and smooth, and a promise.

Seven months and one day.

I still am not over it.

I wonder if I ever will be.

Things leave an impact on your life, and imprints on your soul.

I hate winter, and it is almost upon us once again.

I had to put away the flip-flops and replace them with funky boots. You know those type of boots, almost like wearing slippers. I love those boots, but I rarely wear socks.

I hate socks.

I have always loved the feeling of my bare feet touching fabrics or materials of the "things" I wear on my feet.

Take time out of your day to listen to music, at least one favorite song of the day. It helps, but then again so does smashing glass and watching it burst into a million pieces.

I write dark poetry, and it still does not express all the emotions inside.

I wonder if anything will. But then I know it has, for I have felt the tears.

My youngest child turned 18 this month.

My oldest child turned 34 this month.

I feel old.

I found a new fingernail polish, "Salvation Red." I wonder if there is hidden meaning in that.

I realized often my words have no meaning, only ramblings, and babblings of nonsense.

I found out that I have no words of wisdom to live by, other than.....

Life goes on.......

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