Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Middle of the Week Musings.

Happy Hump Day! It is almost Friday for all you out there who wish to enjoy the weekend!

Well I am back to complaining about winter, it is upon us full blast. Snow, snow, cold, cold, snow, and cold. You think that you would get used to it living in Illinois in the winter, but it is the same every year, dreaded, and cold and snowy. And still hated. But then again, that will never go away, I don't think humans were meant to live in the cold climates!

And Diva was in an accident, not hurt, not even the car. But she skidded off the road and ended up in our neighbor's front yard. I told her that she needs to quit plowing snow with her brother's car. But I don't think she found that very funny. And now she is afraid to drive in the snow. I tried to tell her that his car is a great big boat, a 1970 Delta 88, and was not meant for the snow, but does she listen, no! Not that girl!

And my son is his loveable smart ass ways, told her that she had no business driving his car to begin with. Even tho he gave her permission. We had to sell hers because it did not run, and we had several mechanics look at it, and still could not figure out what was wrong with it. Now she is without a car, and that is not good for Diva. I hope she hurries and finds one fast!

This week I have went back to being numb a bit. But that is becoming a comfortable place. Since I have been there so much in the past year.

I am glad 2010 is almost over, this year sucked.

Christmas is almost here, and I haven't decorated at all. Maybe I won't this year, but my kids keep nagging me, even tho 18 and 20, I guess they still want rituals.

It is hard tho to celebrate when you have to deal with a death, and have Christmas presents in the closet for him.

Maybe one day I will stop grieving so much. Some days are better than others, but they say to give yourself a year.

Who knows.

Not me.

All I can say is, I hope so.

And that......

Life goes on............

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